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Welcome to the diary!

Hello! This is the diary! It's a little different from the blog. Whereas the blog is for really long posts and essay types, this diary is shorter and more personal. Everyday thoughts and feelings will go here.

August 13th, 2024 [Tuesday]

Haven't updated in awhile. Not much has happened besides some unfortunate things I won't get into, but other than those, things have been alright. Also why have I only updated this page on Tuesdsays?

I've been wanting to add an OC page to my site for awhile, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. At first I was going to keep it simple and similar to my gallery where I'd just have a grid with and image and a short desctiption of the characrter, but the more I look at inspiration, the more I want to make individual pages for each character and have them all linked via an index/dirtectory. The former would be a lot easier, but I'd have a lot more creative control for each character with the ladder. I've already added a link onto the navbar on the homepage since it's gonna be added eventually, but it doesn't go anywhere yet.

I finished that sketchbook I mentioned. Finished it on the 24th of July. I don't have it with me and don't remember when I started it, but I know it took less than 3 months to finish. I also have since made 2 more clay figures of little soldiers since then that I'm in the process of painting. Hopfully I'll have thos eposted in the gallery soon!

July 23rd, 2024 [Tuesday]

Hellooo!! I'm back. I saw a movie this past Friday!! My mom made us all watch Twisters. It was actually opening weekend for it! When she was a kid, she saw the first movie in theaters a bunch and watched it at home even more so she wanted us all to go and see the new one. I even brought them...

keychain with 2 soldiers on it being held in front of a cinema screen

It was fun!! I enjoyed it. It wasn't life changing or anything, but it was still a fun movie none-the-less. I've always enjoyed weather as a subject, I even understood some of the stuff they were talking about thanks to my practice with METARs, so I was bound to find something out of it. Maybe I should make a movie review page... though I don't really watch movies very often.

In other news, I only have 2 pages left in my current sketchbook! I also started a new sculpture that I was hoping to paint this past Monday, but I used a lot of water on it so it still isn't dry yet :(. here it is btw!!

Unpainted clay sculpture of a WW1 british soldier holding a bouquet of flowers

I also started playing TF2! I've started out as playing Scout, but who knows, I may change to someone else.

July 16th, 2024 [Tuesday]

hello world!

I've been working on this website really hard for the past few days it seems. I just had a little burst of motivation to work on it again and I've already re-done so many pages! It's weird how fast you can get things done when you put your mind to it.

How's my life IRL? I had to work a bunch of extra hours the last few weeks because so many people requested off for the 4th of July and summer vacations. It was really tiring!!! But I got a good break and should be fine going back in :3

Other than that, I'm almost done with my current sketchbook!1! I started it on May 7th and only have 3 blank spreads and the back of a few pages to fill until it's done!

I haven't really done anything for the summer. I will be going out of state for a bit in the coming months, but I really haven't done anything of note in the vacation department this year.

The 4th of July was fun though!! It always is; It's one of my favorite holidays. Who doesn't like a good grill-out? I live in the country too, so we could set off our own fireworks when it got dark enough. Got a few mosquito bites though...