GIF of a rose opening GIF of the radioactive warning icon Oscar sitting down


Oscar lives with his parents in a small apartment in town. He's lived a mostly quiet life; never having anything too serious come his way, until he was recruted along side Echo and his other friends by the god Pajama to fight for their cause. Since his upbringing was so boring, he developed the hope to eventually make it big in the world —To somehow be noticed by a larger audience— but how and with what passion he is still unsure of.


A bit of a stereotypical "cool kid" on the surface, Oscar is a layed-back guy that his peers tend to look up to. He's familiar with many of the mainstream trends in music and various gaming circles, but lacks knowledge of other more general trends. He's confident in himself and his friends, but can be a bit attention-seeking at times, of which relates to his want to "make it big"

When fighting, Oscar tends to play defense. He stays on the backline and completes whatever objectives are needed, but can also stall those on the frontline so his allies can prepare a counter.


Oscar was originally created as a generic placeholder for the 4th member of the party in the RPG maker game he would have been part of. His placeholder name was just the letter "O" and is where his name originated from.

Stamp that reads 'I love lime flavored stuff' Stamp of a bettle Stamp of limes Stamp that reads 'I love spikes!' Stamp with strawberries Stamp that reads 'I LOVE TO EAT STAMPS' Stamp of the radioactive warning icon Stamp that reads 'It's ok Pluto... I'm not a planet either' Stamp that reads'PERRY RULES' Stamp that reads 'RADIOACTIVE' Stamp that reads 'STAMP MISSING' Stamp of Super Mario being very rude Stamp that reads 'green' Stamp that reads 'I love music' Stamp that reads 'BONK' Stamp that reads 'WARNING'