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The Nintendo Wars series is a series (mainly) developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo that encompasses the Famicom Wars games, Gameboy Wars games, Advance Wars games, and Battalion Wars games. The first game in the series was Famicom wars, releasesd August 12th, 1988 for the Family Computer exclusivly in Japan, and the most recent game was Advance Wars 1+2 Reboot camp, released on April 21st, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch.
I first encountered the series in June 2021 when Reboot Camp was announced in the 2021 E3 direct on the 15th(?) of June, but didn't pay much attention to it until I got recommended a playthrough of Advance Wars 2 on Youtube roughly 2 months later on August 10th and immediately got hooked.
Even before I had any of the games, I was drawing the characters, researching the games, making write-ups about the circumstances of the games releases, my fixation couldn't be stopped.
Nowadays, the only games in the series I'm missing from my collection are the Game Boy Wars games (mostly thanks to the Virtual Console,) though I still need to play through some of the ones I have, mainly AW Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict and the Battalion Wars games.
Got the rest of the Game Boy Wars games! Gonna have to play through those too.